Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a drug free manual therapy that focuses on returning the body to a state of natural health. By doing this, Osteopathy allows the body to heal. This is accomplished by working on several different levels in an individual including muscle, fascia, bones, nerves, circulation, lymphatics etc. Osteopathy does not focus on just the symptomatic areas (although important), but also for the root of your problem from a whole body approach in order to return your body to a state of health. Osteopathy can directly or indirectly treat the musculoskeletal, neurological, digestive, respiratory, cranial sacral, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. For more information and a history of Osteopathy, please visit our association website at
Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.
Massage therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physical function can be developed, maintained and improved; and physical dysfunction and pain and the effects of stress can be relieved or prevented through the use of Massage Therapy.
Modern massage techniques can be traced back to the 1700s and the development of Swedish massage, the first systematic method of therapeutic massage based on physiology. Today’s Massage Therapists use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to combine traditional Swedish and modern Massage Therapy techniques with exercise and other therapies to treat their clients.
What’s in an appointment?
- Medical History
- A full medical history is taken to understand your health and daily activities. this will include questions regarding body systems as well as stresses and physical activity levels.
- Full Examination:
- We will assess your general Movements including Posture Range of Motion, Reflexes etc. To gain a better understanding of your body's functional abilities.
- Treatment
- Everyone has different treatment needs. As such a specific plan will be based upon the Medical History, Examination and patient goals. This allows us to best help each person.
- Integration Recommendations
- Even minor changes in muscle tension can effect a persons function. Because of this every patient will be educated on what to expect from their treatment. But more importantly each patient will be educated on exercises that may help their recovery or help with prevention of future injury.
Osteopathy can help a number of people and dysfunctions including but not limited to;
- Athletes:
- Sports injuries
- Repetitive stress injuries
- Optimize range of motion
- New borns:
- Birth Trauma
- torticollis,
- plagiocephaly
- Colic
- Latching problems
- Pregnant women:
- Uncomfortable pregnancy
- Sciatic nerve pain
- Difficulty breathing
- Acid reflux
- People suffering from:
- Loss of mobility
- Headaches
- Constipation, diarrhea
- Whiplash
- Asthma and chest complaints
- Chronic pain
- Acute pain
- Nerve pain and disc dysfunction
- TMJ and jaw problems
- Painful periods and ovulation
- Pelvic pain
- Bladder problems